1. Go to the group detail page that you manage and click on the "Homework" row.


2. Select the group you want to view the report for from the list.


3. The report will be generated within 10 minutes after the homework deadline. On the "Report" page, you can see the answer status of each group member by clicking on the "Progress" row. You can also view the answer statistics for each question by clicking on the number of the question.


4. On the "Answer Statistics" page, you can see the percentage of incorrect answers.


5. Click on the "Detail" button to view the scores of each group member for a particular question and export it to an Excel file.


6. On the "Progress" page, you can see the scores of each group member and export them to an Excel file. Click on a group member to view their answer report.

7. On the group member's answer report page, you can view their answers for each question.